Homeschoolers can do school at any time of day they wish and any days of the week that they wish, as long as they get in 180 days a week. For regular education students they need 5 hours a day but if your child cannot handle 5 hours a day due to special needs, then they are able to do as many as they can.
Yes, they are able to school in their pajamas if they wish and stay comfortable. Comfort aids in the learning environment.
Homeschoolers are FAR from unsocialized! They do several things during the day that kids in a brick and mortor school are unable to do, such as.....
*Meet up at locations with other homeschoolers to learn, co-ops and more
*Go to events that business' set aside just for homeschoolers such as...
-Homeschool skate
-Homeschool Museum Day
-Homeschool Day at the zoo
-Homeschool day at the the local aquarium
-Karate studios set aside a time for homeschoolers during the day
-Bowling Allys also set aside a day for homeschoolers
-Parents, such as my husband, teach homeschoolers,(in groups or individually) trades they know:
such as karate, art, dance, foreign languages, and they also tutor.
-Homeschoolers are able to talk, speak up, communicate and socialize with friends without getting into trouble and told to hush or being sent to the principles office.
(Yes, while your children are getting in trouble for socializing, OURS are encouraged to socialize with hundreds of other homeschoolers!)
*Homeschoolers are able to learn the way they need to learn, using their learning style. Children learn in different ways. In schools they are only taught in a cookie cutter fashion, one size fits all. When you homeschool you are able to get to know your childs learning style and teach the way they learn. Many children cannot learn by watching a teacher talk. (Google learning styles.)
*Homeschoolers are not taught to a test, they are taught to suceed in life, which makes homeschoolers more successful.
*Homeschoolers are taught that learning is fun and learning is made fun which also aids in them learning easier and more.
*Homeschoolers are not treated like failures, EVER! When a homeschooler doesn't do well we just find another way to teach it until they get the concept. Never are the "F"ailed.
*Homeschoolers are not bullied, nor are they bullies. They have parents 100% of their lives to teach them right from wrong, homeschoolers do not judge other children if they are "different." Homeschoolers are more confident and therefore do not have the need to take out their insecurities on others.
*Homeschoolers don't have to worry about school shootings and bombs
* Homeschoolers don't have to be worried about being suspended for biting their PopTart into the shape of a gun or some other stupid thing.
*YES!!!! Homeschoolers DO have Proms and Graduations. Venues are rented out and hundreds of homeschoolers near your area attend Prom and Graduation.
Please realize that many things that you hear are "Old Wives Tales." Do research before listening to what you have heard. Times have changed and schools...well...they suck. Homeschoolers have so many more benefits and while they may learn differently, they learn more, they learn better...because, they learn in a way that they benefit from.
These photos are of the karate class my husband teaches for .local homeschoolers, 3 of my sons 4 Proms and one of my son and I prom his graduation party we had.
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