Testimonies from TEACHERS that now HOMESCHOOL!

......yes, you read that right, current teachers and former fed up teachers that now homeschool their own kids because the system is so screwed up!

*I wanted to give my kids 1 on 1 attention and choose the curriculum that would work for each child. Standards are really pushed in P.S. I like being able to slow down or move on at our pace. I did not want a cookie cutter education experience.

* I was a teacher before kids--I'm not comfortable with the intense "standardization" that is happening in primary education these days. Great teachers are losing their autonomy, which is unfortunate for young children.

* All of the above! My husband and I were teachers in public and private and schools. We were disappointed in the behavior of the students as well as the teachers. The administrators were only concerned with keeping powerful parents happy and in getting government funding for programs, even when that meant that more useful programs were eliminated. As time has gone on, we have been really thankful that we have been able to avoid some of the things being taught in the locals schools.

* I taught for 8 years. Common core and testing were the final straw, but I realized that my children deserved more than what they would get in the public school system.

*I taught many grade levels for over 7 years. I dislike nearly everything about ps: one size for all, testing, lack of recess, group work, the agenda, etc.

*I was for many years and saw it degrade from creative teaching to curriculum designed to mold cookie cutter children who were good at bubbling in answers on a standardize test but were unable to think and reason.

*I was a teacher and when it came time to make the decision for my daughter to enter kinder she was just pushing past a major speech delay, the reason we decided to home school was because the school and teachers that worked with her on her speech delay were constantly asking when she would enter special ed classes. It was then that I realized she would be forever pigen holed and held to low standards despite her abilities. She just turned 6 and she currently studies astronomy, meteorology and has a working knowledge of addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Her language skills are still coming along but her vocabulary is amazing. I realized she needed place to develop a love of learning not a place to be handicapped.

*Felt let to, dont like all the testing, want christian education, one on one, want my kids to know each other and me to know them aside from the 2 maybe 3 hrs a day we would see each other, want to build a foundation in them to handle the junk the worlds gonna throw at them, and honestly just cant imagine anyone teaching them but me and my husband

 *I was a teacher. I decided to homeschool because my child was not having her needs met. I got fed up. I thought I could do better. Little did I know that I would have to UNlearn a bunch of stuff in order to homeschool the most effective way. I'm in my last year now with my 'baby' after 22 years. I never regret the choice I made.

 *Teaching public school is definitely what made me decide to hs! I was forced to change grades and give grades where they weren't deserved. At that point I knew I couldn't trust the system. I also realized how little control the parents had over what went on with their kids. Add to that over half their day just being busy work while I focused on the terrible makers, the students who needed extra help, and the gifted students were bored. The "average" kid just gets ignored and I didn't want that for my kids!

 *I was. Highest class size was 41. Not enough textbooks for all kids. Had to share classroom during prep. Difficult in a class that size to accommodate IEPs. Kids were great. Loved teaching, but felt limited due to required tests, time for individual student growth, etc.

 *I taught in public school. My husband and I felt our children deserved more than being good test takers. We want them to be secure in our worldview. We saw the system failing. But ultimately we homeschool out of obedience to God's leading in our life.

 *Taught PS for 8 years...my oldest is starting PreK in the Fall. I felt God was leading me stay at home and use my love of teaching for my own children. I really felt the decline of the quality of a PS education my last few years in the classroom. Everything was numbers and data driven to meet requirements on a standardized test...teachers ( and students) were losing the ability to be creative and try new things in the classroom. We were constantly told to differentiate but that was really just on paper...what the administration wanted was cookie cutter kids that could pass a test...who cares if they actually learned anything, right? It was frustrating to see students that were gifted or even average get pushed aside with busy work and the ones who actually needed to be kept back or helped were just shoved on to the next grade level. I didn't want my kids education to be about can they sit still in a desk for 6-7 hours with no recess and maybe learn something...there are so many wonderful people out there working in the PS system and most of them are doing the best they can with what they have to work with but I cannot knowingly put my child in that situation and feel good about it. I pray constantly for those teachers and that one day something will change.

*I wholeheartedly agree with everything all these former public school teachers are saying. I taught 6th grade Language Arts and History for 11 years in a public school. In the beginning, I loved my career, but year by year, I saw the freedom to be a professional snatched away. I could no longer assess my students and meet their learning needs.
Everything was about the test, test, TEST! I was told to differentiate too, yet also told that all classes should be learning at the same rate and the same material all across the district at the same time. Kids are not robots!
I also am just fed up with how politicians who aren't or never have been educators are calling all the shots! I don't want politicians deciding what and how my children will learn.
I am beginning my third year using Sonlight and I love the Faith based, historically rich, literature rich education my girls are getting now.

*Taught ps for 5 years. PS got worse and worse each year- we would have needed 10 or more hours per day to get all the teaching, testing, and paperwork done. I was often up til 1 am grading papers. Was made to fudge grades. Had third graders attempting intercourse in the trestroom. A fourth grader self harming with sharp objects and then turning them on me- best the admins would do was pull her out for a half hour cooling down period. I could never turn my back on her. I could go on- but I was tired of worrying about what my kids were being exposed to, and they were starting to hate learning.

*My husband and I taught high school together for three years. In those three years we saw a drug overdose, sexual immorality, a couple of our students expelled for selling drugs, teen pregnancy, etc. You would think we were teaching inner city but it was the opposite. We were teaching in a middle class town. At the time my husband and I were in our mid-twenties and couldn't believe how different schools had become in the 6-8 years since we had left. They are immoral cesspools that clearly show the downward spiral of our country.

*My son was self injuring due to the anxiety having to sit in a chair all day long. Taught for 23 yrs.

*I couldn't even bring myself to finish my elementary teaching degree bc I disagreed with soooo much about the PS system!!! I've done Montessori teacher training and LOVE that philosophy!!! My daughter, however, does not, LOL! Oh, the irony! So, now we HS with a huge Montessori influence!!!

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